3 Form Designer

Basic leave application form will include at 9 fields

1. Applicant - Requester’s name

[Organization type->Personnel Selection], system could auto retrieve information base on login user information, then set up system auto get current user information

lso control the field editable at read write properties

Change title position, when language is english or some language may need more space to display the title, we could change up and down to display the title and field

2. Department - Requester’s department

[Organization type->Department Selection], system could also get user’s department information base on the login information

Same as the application field, department field could also support editable, and title position configuration

3. Running number

[Others->Swift Number], each new request workflow get a unified workflow number, we could also configure the running number format

4 Category - Leave category with few options

[Option type->Droplist], allow user to choose from the drop list, which will be easy for future report purpose.

5 Total days - Total leave days

[Basic Type -> Number], total days should be a number type, make it as number, will be easy for system to calculate total leaves day in the organisation, generate statistic reports

Number field get another property is to support calculation formula

Define your formula in the formula editor

6 Attachment - Support user to upload support document

[Basic type->Attachment], in the properties part, you could define upload directory, upload format limitation, size limitation, etc

7. Layout setting

To unified the form field label and text input layout, click the edge of the form designer, you will see the layout settings and layout style

Adjust the title properties

Adjust the title width to 30%, to ensure there are more space for title

8. Preview

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