Basic Operations
Team members record their daily work achievements and share their experiences. Management can use daily reports to gain insights into each team member's work status and effectiveness, as well as the progress of individual tasks, and provide timely guidance.
By following others' daily reports, team members can learn from each other's strengths, complement weaknesses, and collectively make progress. This fosters a knowledge-sharing platform within the team.
Daily Report Home Page
The daily report homepage displays the posted updates of the user and those users who have permission to view their daily reports. Posts types include daily report submissions, comments, replies, likes, and ratings. You can click on the respective Posts types to quickly filter and display the corresponding updates. It also supports quick actions such as rating, liking, and replying to comments on the specific posts.
On the daily report homepage, the right side provides statistics on both your own and others' daily report submissions and views. At the top, it summarizes your own daily report submissions for the past 7 days, allowing you to quickly submit any pending reports. In the middle section, it displays the daily report submission status of users you are following. At the bottom, it presents statistics on your views of the daily reports of the users you are following.
My Daily Report
Clicking the "Daily Report" button in the top navigation bar will take you to the daily report system. Daily reports are recorded in the form of logs, capturing your work activities each day. You can enter daily report content in the editing bar at the top, attach files if needed, and then click the "Publish" button. The entered content and attachments are appended to the daily report for the current day, both in the daily report editing and supplementary submission sections in your "My Daily Report" list. To find a specific daily report, you can click "Edit" or "Supplement."
When filling out your daily report, you can review the system's work records for the current day to assist with your report. The system will automatically aggregate what you've done in a day, such as tasks with progress updates, completed tasks, client interactions, and handled approvals. This way, you don't need to manually input your daily work, as it is automatically listed for you.
After publishing your daily report, you can view comments from others, check who has viewed your report, and access the operation log to see what actions have been taken in relation to your report.
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