Schedule Receipts
When creating a new schedule, the creator has the option to enable "schedule receipts." When enabled, schedule participants will receive reminders and provide feedback through receipts. The creator can make adjustments to the participants based on the receipt feedback. Schedule-related individuals can view the details of schedule receipts.
Permission Explanation:
Only the creator of the schedule can set whether to enable receipts.
Everyone can view the details of schedule receipts.
Common Questions:
If a participant declines a schedule, they will not be automatically removed from the schedule; the creator needs to manually remove them.
For schedules that have already been created (if modified and saved), if "participant receipts" were initially turned off, and then participant A was added, and later "participant receipts" were turned on and participant B was added, only participant B will need to provide a receipt.
When "participant receipts" are enabled, if a participant is removed and then added again, the participant will need to provide a receipt again.
Steps to setup schedule receipt:
1) Enable Participant Receipt function in the schedule settings when creating a schedule.
2) Once the schedule is created, the participants will receive a notification in their IM - "Unread Items" inbox. The participants may click on the link to open the detail page of the schedule, item decide whether to accept or decline it.
3) The creator / PIC will receive a notification when the participants send their responses.
4) The creator / PIC may check the statistics on the responses of participants by clicking the following button.
Note: If a participant rejects the schedule, they will not be automatically removed from the schedule, the creator / PIC has to manually remove them if required.
Last updated